About CPA

In 1986, The High Court of England handed down a judgement regarding the use of what is now known as the “Romalpa Clause”, or the “Retention of Title” Clause on an Invoice.

This judgement was then confirmed by the “Queens Bench” Appeals Court making the use of a “Retention of Title” clause on your Invoice,the strongest financial protection against clients who defaulted on a debt, and who entered into External Administration, or  Liquidation.

In 1990, in Perth W.A. a Supreme Court Judge confirmed this decision for Australian Law when he  found against the Plaintiff and for the defendant the following decision.

“If there are N0Terms and Conditions of Trading on the Invoice, stating otherwise, acceptance of the Invoice constitutes immediate Ownership of the Goods or Services”.

The Suppliers lost $100,000.00!

This means that if you do NOT have any relevant Terms and Conditions on Your Invoice, you are totally Unprotected.

You need Risk Reversal

Credit Protection Australia will provide you with the proper Legally recognised Federal (C) Copyright “Retention of Title”  Terms and Conditions of Trading,  which will  guarantee your ownership, and will train you  to register your Invoice on the P.P.S.R., thus enabling you to convert your “Retention of Title” into a “Personal Money Security Interest”, Making you a Guaranteed Super Priority Secured Creditor!

This will ensure your money will survive, and  is safe from Bankruptcy Courts, and/or Administrators, Liquidators, or Receiver/Managers.

The Terms and Conditions are provided to you under Copyright for your continual use, as stated on our Home page, for a Once-Only Licensing fee of $5000.00 Plus  GST.

You will also gain the benefit of advice with regard to your other business practices, such as our representative Services to attend Creditor Meetings on your behalf and In-house specialised Sales and Personal Communication training, for a very reasonable fee, which is obtainable on request.

We are also State (WA) representatives for Prasidium Trade Credit Insurance Brokers, and Special Agents for First International Debt Collection Services.